The Best Day
As I sit in my rocking chair, a new day is dawning. From my vantage point I can see the subtle changes that occur each morning. As the brilliant morning colours appear, the sky is alive with anticipation of the day to come.
It is an exciting time of year as dawn is finally much earlier. As I go about my morning routine, I do so in daylight. That is therapeutic after the long winter months where I had to get going for work in the dark.
What a difference it makes in our lives when we start our days in the light of Christ! It changes our perspective. Just as I feel more vibrant when I can go about my morning routine in the daylight each day, so my life is much better when I start with time with my Lord.
On some of those dark winter days, however, my quiet time with the Lord was frequently displaced with leaving for work earlier in order to handle rough winter driving. Not the way to begin my day. I was somewhat anxious and frequently my time with God was just spent praying for a safe journey but not much else. It wasn’t a time to nurture my faith with God’s Word like it should have been.
For some, a new day is dawning, but life seems as hopeless as it did the day before. There is still war, famine, economic upheaval, disease, or panic. How do you go forward when the bad stuff just doesn’t want to go away?
There is only one answer – Jesus.

Some people scoff at that concept. They feel abandoned when the rough spots of life hit and no reprieve seems evident. Why doesn’t Jesus save me from cancer? Why is He allowing such terrible wars or famines to occur? Why? Why? Why?
The truth is, nowhere in Scripture does it promise us an easy life. Sin entered our world with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and it hasn’t left. God doesn’t want that for us. Thankfully He has provided a plan of action so that we will not be overtaken by the sins of this world.
That is how Jesus is the answer. Right from the start God has had a plan of salvation for us. He sent Jesus to die for our sins and take our condemnation. He promises to strengthen us for whatever comes our way.
Sometimes, though, it takes a bit of pounding on our heads before we come to the realization of how much we need Jesus in our lives.
Recently I was reading an article about a pastor in the Ukraine. He spoke of praying for his congregation in days past, hoping they would turn to Christ. Yet, when things were comfortable, that was not happening as much. Now, with turmoil and war surrounding them, many are flocking to learn about the only true hope they have – hope in Christ.
While it would be lovely to always have a perfect, sunshiny day – that is seldom reality. How do we cope? How do we move forward when life’s cares and worries are trying to take over?
We can have the best day, because Jesus had the best day on Easter morning. The bonds of death did not hold Him. While men tried to kill Him, God had other plans. For all the sins that should condemn us, Jesus has taken the blame. We are washed clean by His blood. Because Jesus rose from the dead, sin and death are conquered – and they will never hold us hostage again.
Dear friend, I don’t know what challenges you are facing today. Perhaps you are like me, where some mornings seem hopeless because of difficult situations you have to face or circumstances beyond your control. Or, perhaps, your life is not following the track you had hoped. Maybe the cares of the world feel like they are smothering you.
The only true solace we have in times like these is relying on Christ to sustain us. He will pull us through if we rely on Him. When cold reality hits and things look hopeless, turn to Him.
Have the best day – leave your day in the hands of our loving Saviour. No matter what happens, He will be there beside you, loving you through it all.
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