The Key to Success
As I watch the eager faces of my students, I am amazed at how much they can absorb at their young age. They are drinking in so many things. As I plan lessons for them, I realize that there is so much for them to learn. How do I possibly teach it all?
In reality, I don’t teach it all. School can’t possibly instruct students in all they need to know about the world. So, what is my purpose as their teacher?
The biggest thing I can do for my students is give them tools to inquire, to think through situations, to problem solve, to explore, and to seek out needed information. With these thinking skills, they can tackle most situations and needs for information that come their way.
It’s not about “what” they are learning. It’s about teaching them “how” to learn and apply information. That is the key to success.
Attacking Scripture is similar. God’s Word is our answer in every situation. But how can that be? The Bible doesn’t talk about what to do when facing cancer or when you have a car accident. It doesn’t tell me how to deal with a child with an addiction or learning disability.
The Bible has all the answers – not necessarily to specific requests, but in giving us guidance to live our lives of faith so we can discern the best path with God’s help.

Joshua had many decisions to make as he began his leadership of the Israelite people after the death of Moses. As he began his journey as leader, God shares these words with him:
“Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” (Joshua 1:8 NIV)
Joshua, like us, is asked to make God’s Word the focal point of His life. As we delve into Scripture, we find all that we need to manage this life. Reading the Bible gives us strength of faith to face each day and every situation that is placed before us. There is hope and encouragement for any trial we might face contained within these precious words from God.
We have the examples of many who have gone before us who have faced life’s challenges with the hope of Christ. We might not be tortured for our faith like Paul, but we do face trials. His words, in Scripture, give us direction and purpose as we live out our lives of faith.
Paul shares these words of wisdom with young Timothy:
“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17 NIV)
God has instituted His Word for our benefit. He has made Scripture infallible and authoritative. Nowhere else do we find the sure and certain way to leads lives of purpose, both now and into eternity.
Just like I teach my students to think rather than giving them all the information they need in this world, Scripture provides us with the tools to help us think through situations and make decisions. It gives us a breadth of knowledge that we can apply to whatever goes on in our lives. God’s Word is an active, living, breathing entity that enriches our lives beyond measure when we choose to make it a part of our daily routine.
No matter what your circumstances in life, God’s Word has a message for you. Reading His Word will give our lives purpose and direction. God asks us to make it a daily part of our day. Therein lies our success.
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