The Most Important Thing
This week we will celebrate what would have been my niece’s 41st birthday. This year, her birthday lands on Good Friday. What an appropriate remembrance time. Elizabeth believed fully in the power of the Cross. She knew, without a doubt, that the grief of Good Friday is only a stepping stone to the utmost joy we experience with Easter Sunday.
God’s Word is very clear. We all deserve death for the sins we commit. Whether the sin is big or small, our trespasses lead to eternal condemnation.
But wait. God has a way out for us with a clear salvation plan. He sent His only Son as a Sacrificial Lamb to take our place and to cover over and remove our sins. Jesus led a perfect life and then took all our sins upon Himself.
God provides us with a most amazing gift – the free gift of salvation. We only need to believe that Jesus died for our sins and rose again to bring us new life in Him. We will have an eternity of joy if we believe in the saving power of the Cross.
Elizabeth believed this. Some of her last words were “Hallelujah” (God be praised). We can endure the loss and pain because we know with certainty that we will see her again. The God she served is faithful and will keep His promises. As she passed from this world to the next – she saw that joy with certainty.
At one time in her younger life, Elizabeth was asked what she wanted in life. Her answer? That everyone would know Jesus as Saviour. As was typical of this sweet young woman, her thoughts were of others and what they needed most. That was how she lived her life – being a shining light for Jesus.

This week we also celebrate the 100th birthday of my mother-in-law. She is someone who has led a life of continued faith. Her cheerful spirit and care for others has touched many with Christian love. She is a champion of the faith, showing it in how she lives her life each day. Like Elizabeth, she wants everyone to know Jesus as Lord and Saviour. You cannot be around Dora for long without realizing her incredible zest for life. Her vibrancy draws us into a life with joy and hope. As she ages, she realizes even more the urgency of reaching out to others with the love of Jesus.
I am really grateful for the mindset of these two women and the example they provide in leading the Christian life. It helps renew my own zeal to reach others with the Gospel message.
God places many people in our sphere of influence. The urgency is great. So many are feeling lost, dealing with suffering, or devoid of hope. They need to know about the joy and hope that we have in Christ.
As we head into both Holy Week with all its sadness and then celebrate the joy of Easter, I pray that God will show each of us opportunities each day to help someone know that their sins are forgiven and that the slate has been wiped clean because of Jesus’ saving work on the Cross.
Keep your eyes open for those windows of opportunity. We just never know when we might be the person who makes an eternal difference in someone else’s life by being God’s hands and feet. It is the most important thing.
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