The Power Source
As I enjoy a leisurely breakfast I contemplate recent changes. For almost two years now, I have been able to enjoy a relaxed morning as I have been teaching from home in an online school. No long commutes. No making bag lunches. No long hours of preparation. I merely got myself ready and headed to my home office.
I no longer have the freedom to go out for walks whenever I need a break. I miss time spent in my garden and enjoying the flora and fauna of my lovely country home throughout the day. I no longer have those precious early morning weekday hours to study and write.
This transition causes me to have many discussions with God about why this change right now. I am still recovering from surgery. Why put me in a situation where I am on my feet and active all day when I still need some recuperation time? Would it have been so hard to let me stay in the online school? That job was so much easier in so many ways.
I am also not a driver. The commute for me is draining and often nerve-wracking. Why would God put me in a position where I have no choice but to drive almost two hours each day? He knows this is a real challenge for me.
I love working with kids, and yes, I do enjoy the face to face teaching again – but Lord it is exhausting. Why now at my age?
All of us have these kinds of days where we ask God – Why here? Why now? Why this?
The fact is, God does not put us in a place and give us a task without giving us what we need to get there and function properly. In His far-reaching thinking, He knows what is best for us and where we can have the most impact for Him.
In 2 Corinthians God says:
“And God is able to make all grace abound in you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” (verse 8 NIV)
Take note of the four “alls” God shares with us in this verse. Firstly, He says that all grace will abound in us. His grace allows us to do things beyond our power and means. That gift of grace, through faith in Christ, is always there for us, spurring us on to share it with others.
Next, we are told God is with us in all things. While to us, the situation might seem impossible or challenging; God doesn’t see it that way. His great power is demonstrated even more so when we know we are in a situation that we cannot manage on our own. It is then we can clearly see that it is God moving and working in all we are doing.
It is not just some of the time that God is showing His grace, power, and mercy – it is all the time. We are never out of reach of His support. Each minute of every day is His. He made them and gives them to us.
Scripture frequently states that God will provide all that we need. His list of what is best for us usually doesn’t agree with our own, but we need to trust that He ultimately has our best interest at heart. He has a purpose for us and He welcomes our service to Him and provides all that we need to do that.
In my case, this Scripture encourages a change of attitude. Rather than looking at my new teaching job as a difficulty or hindrance; I need to look at it through God’s eyes. What purpose does He have for me in my new situation? Are there people there He needs me to touch with Christ’s love?
I need to go into this time of life prayerfully, asking God to open my heart and mind to the possibilities He has for me. Ultimately, I need to trust in God’s promises and power that He will give me what I need, when I need it.
No, I don’t have the strength to manage my current job on my own. I can, however, plug into the only power source I will ever need – from God’s gracious hand.
Perhaps you are facing some challenging circumstances right now. Take hope in the fact that God will be with you – in everything, at all times, with all that you need. His power is greatest in our weakness.
“My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.”
(2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV)
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