The walk down my hometown street was a beautiful one with mature trees and their vast canopy. I traipsed this route frequently as a young girl, to make use of the transit service in our area. Typically, my bus treks were direct routes – to downtown appointments or events at our church. Occasionally, I would undertake a longer journey and I needed to ask for a transfer slip so I could freely move from one bus to another without an extra charge.
I remember clinging to that tiny piece of paper – scared that somehow, I might drop it or have it blow away. I didn’t usually carry any extra money, so without that precious piece of paper, I would be stranded. I breathed a sigh of relief when I was safely deposited on my second bus and on my way to my destination, with no more worries about preserving that valuable transfer slip.
Having my young hands be all the security I had in the transfer process was not really a good idea. Things happen and this life is never always predictable and safe.
There is a transfer process, however, that is sure and certain. Consider what the apostle Paul says in Colossians:
“He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son” (Colossians 1:13 ESV)
As believers in Christ – we are moved from the kingdom of sin and death into the light of Christ’s love and salvation. The means for us to transfer to the kingdom of God’s Son is not a fragile transfer piece of paper that can blow away in the wind or that is conditional on our abilities of the day. Our entrance to this kingdom is secured by the saving work of Jesus’ death on the cross and His resurrection from the dead.

Because of God’s transfer process, we are not stuck in darkness. We are retrieved from the clutches of the evil one. We are no longer slaves to sin. Instead, we become children of the light.
With God’s rescue plan, the change is immediate and secure when we trust in Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. We are freed from the burden of sin because Jesus has taken it all for us. While Satan still tries to draw us into his world of hopelessness and despair, we are no longer trapped there once our transfer is complete.
The devil loves for us to think that we have to do all kinds of things to make our transfer to life with Christ work. He constantly wants to make us believe that we are unworthy, unfit, and unsuitable for anything God has for us.
The good news is that, when we transfer to the kingdom of God’s beloved Son, we are made into new creations. The old is gone.
If you are like me, there are times when I don’t feel like a new creation. The feelings of the old kingdom surface. When the cares of the world want to pull me back, I feel the Holy Spirit speaking to me, reminding me that my salvation (my transfer) is secure. My feelings might oscillate, but God is certain and sure on this.
Embrace the plan of salvation our loving Heavenly Father provides. Live as a child of the light with the confidence that He will sustain you to life everlasting in the kingdom of His Son.
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