Have you ever had life going along relatively smoothly and “wham”, life changes in an instant?
That was my week. An altercation with a deer on my rural commute left me quite shaken and my SUV in pieces.
And so, my week changed. Time spent with the insurance company and auto body shop. Trying to arrange for a rental vehicle. All these details that I really didn’t want to add to my week but was forced to.
I have relied on my four-wheel drive vehicle with its excellent winter tires to help keep me safe in snowy conditions. Now, I have a vehicle to drive without those things. With parts hard to source, it will be months, not weeks until I have my own SUV back. My security blanket is gone.
Where does that leave me? Where I always should be, but forget at times – safe in my loving Heavenly Father’s arms.
Our security does not lie in earthly things. They will fail us. Things wear out. People don’t react as we want. Situations don’t always pan out as expected.
So how do we cope when life continues to throw us curve balls? What do we do when – wham – life gets turned upside down?
The words of God to His Old Testament people ring true for us today:
“Be strong and courageous. Do no fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6 ESV)
God is not only telling us not to fear, but to be strong and full of courage.

We are not going to find that courage within ourselves – it is provided by God.
Do we always feel it? No – but that doesn’t mean God isn’t there. We have our weak moments when security and certainty seem far away and doubt and misfortune seem to prevail. That is our sinful nature rearing its ugly head.
Take heart dear friend. God understands our weak moments. He knows our hurts and our needs. He feels deeply for us as we traverse this life with all of its challenges.
For whatever has sideswiped you today, I pray you find comfort and hope in God’s Word and trust that God will keep His promises to you. You are not alone in whatever you are facing.
It doesn’t matter if it is as big as an accident or a bad health diagnosis or as little as trying to get your crying baby to sleep. God holds you in His loving arms. He is there to listen to the whisperings of your heart as you deal with life’s challenges.
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