scenic mountain range with rolling hills and cabins

What Am I Doing Here?

During my long morning commute, I have lots of time to think and ponder. Sometimes that is a good thing as I process what is going on in my life or use it as prayer time. Other times I find it to be quite frustrating as I try to make sense of what God is doing in my life.

At times I wonder why God has placed me in this particular school at this particular time. When I drive through bad weather, I often ask the Lord, “Why are You making me do this? There are schools closer to home. Why do You need me here? Why must I travel so much each day when I do not like driving?”

Yet, over and over, I feel a peace about teaching where I am right now. It doesn’t make sense, yet I do believe I am where God wants me.

Since my teenage years, I have sought opportunities for Christian service. One area I thought was open to me is teaching in a Christian school. Yet, for whatever reason, that door has been closed to me.

That is a challenging area for me. Why does God not want me in a place where I can share His Word freely every day? In my mind, it looks like a perfectly good opportunity to be a part of sharing the Gospel message.

Instead, I am in a place where speaking words of Scripture is frowned upon. I want so much to witness to my faith, but my work circumstances make that challenging.

God speaks to my heart, and to all of us, with these words:

God impacts our lives in every aspect – not just in Christian things. Whether we are in church or out on the street, our conduct should reflect the light of Jesus in our lives.

That is how we can make a difference in our secular world. How we live our lives is a huge testament to our Lord Jesus. The way we handle difficult situations or challenging people, the way we process hurts and disappointments in our own lives, or the way we live each day, are all ways that can promote the Gospel.

Wherever God has placed you at this time is where He needs you. Maybe right now your witnessing is curtailed to your own dear little ones as you raise them in the faith. Perhaps it is in caring for an aging parent or ill neighbour. It might be your influence is needed in your workplace to show an upright and godly life. You might be an amazing witness just in how you handle adversity.

I have spent many hours lamenting my situation but that has not been either healthy or fruitful. Life is better when I look at it from God’s perspective – trusting that He knows me best and that He will place me where He needs me most.

As we go forth in this life, I pray that we can find God’s path for us and trust that He will make the way for us. There are many who need our Christian influence. Our secular world is hurting immensely. Hope and peace often seem to be fleeting.

God has immeasurably good things that He can do through you and with you. Open your heart and mind and soul to what that might be. There are people in this world that maybe only you can touch with God’s grace and mercy. Be that instrument of the Gospel.

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