What Are You Looking for in This New Year?
I am definitely a bargain shopper. It started back in university days when I had to put myself through school and every penny mattered. As a young stay-at-home mom, my bargain hunting skills increased to help meet the needs of my growing family and work within our limited resources.
It is still an adventure to scout out and seek a good deal. While fun and productive, it is time consuming. Yet the benefits are great as I find ways to stretch our finite dollars.
Because saving money matters to me, I find it worth my time and beneficial for my well-being to find opportunities to be more cost effective. Time spent scanning sale ads or looking for online deals yields considerable savings.
How about in our spiritual lives? What are we truly looking for? What matters to us? How do we spend our time?
Scripture directs us as follows:
“But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find Him if you look for Him with all your heart and with all your soul.” (Deuteronomy 4:29 NIV)
God doesn’t say we might find Him. We have His sure and certain promise that any seeking heart will find Him.
This is not something for the faint of heart. God is asking us to commit to Him and to earnestly seek a relationship with Him. It is a continual practice of looking to our loving Heavenly Father for answers, support, guidance, and love.

In my Christian walk, I am not always diligent in looking for God. I really wonder why sometimes. I dabble rather than constructively seek God and learn more about His ways. It is my sinful nature that takes hold and that leads to distraction.
It is very easy in this world to have a divided heart. The world pulls one way and God pulls another. This tug-of-war can wreak havoc on our lives.
God’s answer is simple – look to Him. Seek Him throughout your days. He knows us and our needs. He loves us beyond measure.
It is never a fruitless search when we look to God.
As we begin a new year and think about our priorities, I pray dear friend that our choice will be to seek God. We need to return to having focused hearts and not let life’s cares interrupt our relationship with our amazing Lord.
This is not something to be dabbled in. It takes time and effort to seek God. It is trusting our heart and soul to the only One who can truly take care of them. It is prioritizing time with Him and trusting that He will make the rest of our lives work out according to His plan.
What are you looking for this new year? Look to the Lord who holds all the answers you need.
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