What Should We Be Looking At?
Have you ever felt invisible? It doesn’t feel great. It conjures up emotions of unworthiness and insignificance. Neither of these is desirable or healthy.
The culture of the world today values those who are strong and smart, wealthy and influential. Who gets noticed in the media… the rich, the famous, the well dressed, the athletic, and so on.
Often, if we don’t meet up to these unrealistic expectations of value, we feel unworthy and less important. We strive to be something we are not, in the hopes of being recognized.

Even in the time of King David, appearances sometimes took precedence. Samuel had been given the task to anoint the next king. The current king, Saul, was handsome, large in build, and strong. Samuel figured that is what he should be looking for in the next king to replace him.
God’s sends Samuel to the family of Jesse. As Samuel examines Jesse’s sons, he is certain that one of these should be God’s choice for king. But the Lord has another answer:
“The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7 NIV)
The man that God wanted for the next king was currently a shepherd boy – insignificant and invisible to many, but not to God. This young shepherd, David, ended up being a mighty warrior and king who shepherded God’s people through many challenges and circumstances.
God looks at our hearts. Not our bank statements. Not our physical prowess. Not our wardrobe choices. God sees us as we really are, warts and all.
The thing is, God loves us – always – even when we feel invisible.
Maybe you are going through some hard times right now and you feel like no one truly understands you. Perhaps you aren’t being very successful at your current endeavours and you feel insignificant. Maybe you have been put on ignore or treated like you don’t matter. Whatever your scenario, you can count on God. He can figure you out, meet your needs, and care for you. After all, you are His most treasured creation.
When you are hurting…when life just seems to be too big a challenge…when you feel like you can’t possibly compare to those who look successful in the world’s eyes, remember this: You are NEVER invisible to God.
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