When Danger Beckons
I drive along and all is quiet. It is pitch black outside with snowflakes hanging tenuously on the spruce trees I pass by. Pristine countryside surrounds me and the radiating light of the stars is refreshing.
The beautiful scenery and calm are deceiving, however.
As I continue my journey, not much is visible ahead even though my high beams are on. As I move ahead, I pray for a safe journey.
Then I see it. Just a whisp of light reflected in something. It moves and turns.
I slow to a creeping pace, feeling that something is out of place. There it is again – that ever so subtle reflection of light.
What I am seeing is the eyes of two deer. I know, while I can only see this tiny portion of them, that there is much more of each animal on the road ahead. I also know that running into them is a dangerous thing.
Thankfully, their eyes have given them away and I am safe because of that warning. I blast my horn and they disappear into the bush and I am able to traverse the road in safety.

God provides us with numerous warnings, but often they are subtle. We frequently barrel full speed ahead with our own agendas and fail to take heed of the possible dangers around us. Or, we might know that those dangers are there, but we figure they won’t touch us.
By the time the entire deer is in my headlights, it is difficult to stop in time if I am going at full speed. Life is like that as well. If we ignore the warning signs that God provides, we could find ourselves face to face with some real danger for body, mind, and/or spirit.
God doesn’t place a big billboard in our paths to say – “Don’t take this route.” He does, however, give us His Word which shows us the path of righteousness. Our Heavenly Father works through His people to give us direction and to help keep us from harm.
God promises this:
“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’” (Isaiah 30:21 NIV)
If we are looking for signs of God’s direction, we will find them. It’s listening to the Holy Spirit’s nudging when we are uncertain of our direction. It is staying close to the Lord in prayer and asking for His direction.
My friend, I hope that you find your way – the way that God makes for you, that is the safest and best possible path.
And if we should get off the path and lose our way, we need to remember that God is still there to guide us back to where we need to be.
God gives us great advice in these words of Scripture:
“Love the Lord your God, listen to His voice, and hold fast to Him.” (Deuteronomy 30:20 NIV)
Be vigilant, watching for signs of danger. Follow God’s counsel so as not to be caught unaware.
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