When Our Boat is Overloaded
As I work through my planner, I am overwhelmed with the number of things to do in a short space of time. Teaching is always busy, but these few weeks are extraordinarily so with extra parent meetings, student led conferences, report cards, and additional school events.
Basically, if my life was a boat right now it would definitely be loaded to the hilt and slowly sinking with all the weight. Add to that some other life events that have occurred and I feel like my ship is being pummelled with fierce waves.
It is easy to feel set adrift in times like these. Life gets crazy for a variety of reasons. The boat of our life gets rocked back and forth. Sometimes we may feel that no one cares or can help us. We get so full of overwhelmed feelings that our perspective is skewed and hope is difficult.
It is not just life’s upsets that cause difficulties. Life can get in turmoil simply because we have so much going on and we feel pulled in a variety of directions. When demands are great, we can feel like our boat is sinking.

Jesus’ disciples faced many challenging situations. On one particular night, Jesus had left them to go pray and they were in a boat out on the lake in the night without Him. With some of the disciples being fishermen, being out on the lake in the dark was not unusual as they fished at night. Yet this night was different. The wind was blowing and the stormy seas made progress difficult.
Mark describes the situation like this:
“Later that night, the boat was in the middle of the lake, and He (Jesus) was alone on land. He saw the disciples straining at the oars, because the wind was against them.” (Mark 6: 47-48a NIV)
What happens next is so amazingly cool. Jesus saw them. They were never out of His loving care and reach. Our Lord didn’t just stand by and watch the disciples flail about and struggle. He went to them to take care of them. Jesus walked on the water towards them.
But Jesus did more than that. Mark states:
“Immediately He spoke to them and said, ‘Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.’ Then He climbed into the boat with them, and the wind died down. They were completely amazed.” (Mark 6: 50b-51a NIV)
Jesus did two incredible things. He verbally reminded them not to be afraid. They could draw courage from Him to face their difficult circumstances and desperate need. Jesus firmly indicates that His presence is there for them – always.
Jesus does something else that is significant – He gets into the boat with them. He didn’t leave them to face the difficult weather alone. Jesus came right into the middle of the circumstances, providing assurance.
Jesus is like that. He wants to be there to support us. He does get right in the boat with us when life makes us feel like our ship is going to sink. Jesus never, ever, leaves us alone.
Sometimes, when we are the middle of the storm or the overwhelm, we feel like our boat has been set adrift and no one can help us. Yet, Christ is with us in any times of uncertainty or fear.
He provides a peace to our lives that this world can never offer. Jesus promises to be with us, no matter what type of storm life throws our way.
Perhaps you feel like your boat is sinking. There is just too much going on and so much out of your control. Remember that Jesus gets right in the boat with us. He will never leave us. Jesus will walk right with us, no matter what the circumstance. You can count on that.
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