Where is Our Constant?
Recently my husband and I returned to a spot that holds special memories for us. It was lovely to see the same sights and relive some of the pleasant moments we had enjoyed there. The hard thing about revisiting this spot was in seeing a number of changes.
The place we had seen in the past was aglow with lights of all sorts. It was like walking through a fairyland. Not so this time. There were some lights and a sparse number of decorations, but that was all. Sadly, things do change.
We see change all around us. As we begin a new year, it is often with the thoughts – “What will this year bring? How will our world look different now, as opposed to the past?”
I still remember as a child, hearing my dad talk about changes that had taken place in our city. He would speak of places of he had went to as a young man – many that no longer existed. I definitely did not understand at that time what effect that had on him. He had pleasant memories tied to certain places – places that had changed significantly or were no longer there.
I laugh about it now because I could be having the same conversation with my own children. I have seen many changes in my lifetime, not only in my own little world, but in the world at large.

As technology improves, changes seem to be coming in an onslaught. Not only are there a myriad of new products to purchase but there is also a large learning curve to use most of them. Neighbourhoods change significantly and new ones pop up. There are always new places to navigate when I go into the city. Methodologies are often revamped and new higher expectations become the norm.
I used to handle change better but lately it seems that I am resistant to change. I want things to stay the same and feel some security in all that.
In the tumultuous change that seems ever occurring, there is only one constant – Christ. The book of Hebrews tells us this:
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8 NIV)
That says it all. No matter what this world throws our way, Jesus will still be the same person we saw when He was here on earth. He shows us incredible compassion. He treats us with kindness. His saving death for our sins gives us salvation. Through Him we have a hope that never varies.
Jesus loves us beyond measure. He is there for us – ever and always.
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