Who is Fighting This Battle Anyway?
Do you ever feel like you are continually on edge, struggling against forces seemingly out of your control? It can happen in many areas of life – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Whether it is dealing with health issues, financial difficulties, weather elements, or relationship challenges, it can become overwhelming when the fight to stay afloat is a continual occurrence.
I know I could give you multiple examples from my own life. Far too frequently I am weary with trying to continue forward when the forces against me seem to prevail. Just trying to keep one foot in front of the other can be a challenge when the walls of battle seem to be everywhere.
The Old Testament King Jehoshaphat understood battles as many occurred under his reign. When the enemies from Moab and Ammon were on the rampage and ready to attack, Jehoshaphat led his people in seeking help from the Lord. Through God’s servant Jahaziel, the people heard these words:
“This is what the Lord says to you: Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s.” (2 Chronicles 20:15b NIV)
He goes on to tell Jehoshaphat that he will not have to fight this battle and gives these directions:
“Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you, O Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the Lord will be with you.” (2 Chronicles 20:17 NIV)
Jehoshaphat was a man of obedient faith and he followed these directions. He encouraged his people to sing songs of praise and to recognize almighty God at work in their situation. In the end, other nations feared attacking Israel after seeing how God had fought for them and made them victorious.
The biggest message here is to seek God when we face life’s struggles – big or small. It is coming to God knowing that He has all the answers we need. He lovingly provides us the direction we need to face any circumstance.

It is also about approaching God with thanks and praise. This is a difficult one when we face a battle that appears to be unwinnable. But God changes us when we have hearts of praise. Yes, He sometimes doesn’t cure us of the ill or take away the conflict, but He always gives us what we need to walk the path we are on.
I have been in some wicked battles in my life and in all honesty, praise was not usually on the top of my list for actions at the time. Yet I can tell you dear friends, that focusing on God and His ability to handle the situation is a far superior way to handle the battles we face. Giving thanks for what He has already done changes our hearts and our attitudes. He promises to be with us – not just on the good days but every day, throughout all that comes our way.
Fighting a battle alone is exhausting and disheartening. We can trust that the battles we fight are not our own. Our Lord fights with us, giving us victory through the saving work of Christ Jesus. Put your trust in Him as He is faithful.
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