You Have a Choice
A year ago, this week, I faced a terrible diagnosis and an uncertain future. My world was filled with “why” questions that had no answers. My summer plans to enjoy some holidays and to prepare for my new job turned into days of medical appointments, surgery, and recovery. As I recall those difficult days, my heart hurts at all I had to endure.
I remember my head being in turmoil. My thoughts were a muddle as I tried to make sense of my situation. All of a sudden, everything in my life was coloured by the impact of this disease.
I was devastated and wondered how I was supposed to move forward. Thankfully, God did not leave me to face all these struggles alone. He continued to minister to me and encourage me, through His Word and His people.
One Scriptural account that touched my heart is Ruth’s life story. She is an unusual Old Testament character. A resident of Moab, she marries into an Israelite family that had moved to her country.
As a young woman, her life is turned upside down. Never did she dream that her journey would include becoming a widow so early in life. Left without means of support, she has some tough choices to make.
For many, it appears she has no choice. Surely, she should stay in her home country, with her own people. There must be someone who would open their doors to her.
What should she do? She has no means of earning an income. How does she build a new life out of the ashes of her grief and loss?
In the midst of Ruth’s sorrow, she realizes that she does have a choice. It is a challenging one, but something she believes is her best option.

Her mother-in-law, also a widow, decides to return to her home country. Ruth opts to leave all that she knows to follow her mother-in-law back to the land of Israel. Naomi discourages her but Ruth sees the need to accompany her and offer her care. She clings to this bit of “family” and her loyalty is a treasure. Ruth rebuilds her life while continuing to care for the needs of Naomi.
Sometimes, life puts us in hard places. At times it feels like we have no choice – that there is no other way but the painful, difficult one.
God encourages us to realize that we do have a choice when life is challenging. We can decide to focus on despair and heartache or we can look to our loving Heavenly Father to show us the higher road.
Ruth chose to serve the God of Israel and she became a pivotal part of the lineage of our Saviour. She inspires us to trust God and follow Him, no matter what the circumstances. Her journey of faith takes her through some very hard times – but it is those struggles that lead her to the God who sustains and cares for us all.
At times, last summer, I felt like I had no choice. I needed to endure the trials of cancer and that was it. But I did have a choice – and still do. I can sit and wallow in my sorrow or I can be like Ruth, and take the better path.
My choice is to focus on hope and joy. Hope in my Saviour Jesus Christ is my bastion. He walks beside me throughout any life circumstance. I draw on His strength and His mercy. I look for what brings joy in my life and look to the source of true joy in my Heavenly Father.
Am I perfect at following through with this choice? No. But at least I know that I do have the choice to make.
This past year has caused me to rethink a lot of what truly matters to me. Like Ruth, my faith in God and the joy of my family are predominant in my life.
Our world is full of continual hurts, upsets, unmet expectations, financial or health challenges, economic upheaval, to name a few. Whatever of those that impacts you today, I pray that you will understand that you do have options.
I pray that whatever road you are on today that you will find Christ walking alongside you, giving you hope to face the future. Choose to put your life in His hands. You will never regret it.
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